
{ Posted on 11:00 AM by aditz goz }
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Culture of Indonesia

The dance is an expression of the soul in the form of movement which is usually combined with the music.
 Dances connected to the moment, can be described about an event: war, sorrow, reverence to the king, or the embodiment of a norm, such as the devotion of a woman in Javanese culture.
The development of dance in Indonesia are closely related to the development of society. James R. Brandon (1967) divides the development of performances in Southeast Asia can be divided into 4 periods, namely:
1. Pre-historic period, about 2500SM-100M.
2. The entry of Indian culture period, 100-1000.
3. The influence of the Islamic period, 1300-1750.
4. Western countries the introduction period, the end of 1750-World War 2.
Community and artistic development is development that is not interrupted one another, but mutually sustaining and not broken.

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