Motif Fabrics

{ Posted on 11:17 AM by aditz goz }
Culture of Indonesia

Tree motif fabric Filomemetika some of the various regions in Indonesia.

Diversity Motif Fabrics Indonesia

Motif fabric of Indonesia is very diverse, as is illustrated by the heterogeneity of ethnic communities, religions, and different social classes ranging from economy class to the division of social labor (division of labor). In this case, we know that such batik motif is a tradition of the famous clothing motif to various parts of the world. Batik is generally known to come from the textile craft residents in the area of Java island, both located in rural areas or who are in coastal areas. Batik motif itself is very diverse.
The diversity of batik ornamentation alone, for example, is very high. As an archipelago consisting of hundreds of ethnic population, Indonesia has a variety of clothing ornamentation motifs extraordinary quantity. Call it songket, ulos, and other clothing berabagai motive.

The collection of data on the motives of this dress really is a very interesting thing and, if possible, is an extraordinary thing it is important to describe how the concept of aesthetic dress Indonesian people who are very diverse it. Tree Filomemetika of Batik can be seen in the picture above some of the data are worth analyzing with a device that is in us today.
Clothing Motif Data

Here is the data contribution underwear motive of Friends like you IACI Culture. This data is expected to be added to your participation to participate in a digital photograph of your clothing motifs found and know is part of the cultural traditions of the Indonesian archipelago.
To upload the data, do some preparation of the data to be stored and displayed in our server. Make a few steps defined as an effort to prepare the data pattern, after that, you can upload to this site mengkuti stages as described in the Instructions Add data and immediately uploaded motif clothes you feel need to enrich our data base as a nation of Indonesia.

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