
{ Posted on 9:15 AM by aditz goz }
Carok and celurit like two sides of a coin. Each other can not be separated. This appears in the Madurese people since the Dutch colonial era 18th century AD Carok a knight in the fight for the symbol of self-esteem (honorary).

AT times Cakraningrat, Joko Tole and Panembahan Semolo in Madura, did not know the culture. Existing culture at that time was to kill people in a knight with a sword, or keris. Celurit weapons began to emerge in the days of Mr. Sakera legend. Foreman of sugarcane from this Pasuruan almost never leave celurit each went into the garden to watch the workers. Sakera Celurit for a symbol of resistance commoners. So what to do with carok? Carok in the ancient Kawi language it means a fight. Usually involves two people or two large families. Even antarpenduduk a village in Jakarta, Sampang, and Pamekasan.


{ Posted on 8:59 AM by aditz goz }

In Discourse and Cultural Khasanah Nusantara, Kujang recognized as the traditional weapon of West Java Community (Sunda) and Kujang known as a weapon has a sacred value and have magical powers. Some researchers claim that the term comes from the word Kujang Kudihyang the root word and Hyang Kudi.

Kudi taken from ancient Sundanese language means that the weapon has supernatural power of magic, a talisman, as repellent reinforcements, for example, to block the enemy or avoid danger / disease. These weapons are also saved as an heirloom, which used to protect houses from danger by putting them in a crate or a certain place in the house or by putting them on the bed (Hazeu, 1904: 405-406)


{ Posted on 8:38 AM by aditz goz }
long keris keris which is also called a cork or terapang imperial regalia, as the Minangkabau and used as the greatness of kings, including nine countries ... the nine countries throughout history have his form eight long keris --- Sigar male as an example ... Sultan Sultan Iskandar Muda Acheh had presented kris this terapang cork or kepadas King James 1 (England) in the year 1613 .. made in Minangkabau.

source : http://budayaindonesia.pekeng.com/

Badik Tumbuk Lada

{ Posted on 8:01 AM by aditz goz }
A type of traditional weapons of the Riau Islands. At the base of the glove there bonjolan Pepper Mash round selalunya decorated with a carved inscription. This holster selalunya overlaid with silver pieces carved with intricate patterns.

Pepper mashed blade length of about 27 cm to 29 cm. The width of the blade approximately 3.5 cm to 4 cm. From the middle of the blade to the base is a deep groove.

Besides kris, Pepper Mash in ancient times was also one of the completeness of custom clothes in the Riau Islands, Deli, Peninsula Land Siak and Malays.

Tunggal Panaluan

{ Posted on 7:16 AM by aditz goz }
Single sticks by all the sub Panaluan Batak tribe believed to have supernatural powers to: ask for rain, keep out the rain (manarang udan), refused reinforcements, Plague, cure diseases, find and catch the thief, etc. to help in the war. There are several versions of the story of the cane stick with Panaluan Single similarities and differences, so that the motif found in a cane rod also varies Panaluan singles. One of the following story:

a couple of singles Baragas Datu Sumurung Pambarbar Na (craftsmen) and his wife Nan Sindak Panaluan, long-married but no children. They ask this to the experts predicted, predicted experts recommend replacing statues in his house with a more beautiful. Datu Baragas then go to look for kehutan a suitable timber made sculptures, but the old days was not found. One time he (Baragas Single) saw in the air floating tree without branches, leaves about human height. Mulajadi Baragas ask that the tree was lowered into the earth and it was granted. The tree fell right place for vacation (perberhentian) called Dragon Tolping Adian. Baragas took and began carving so that the shape of a girl called Jonjong Anian. When finished, he intended to bring home, but can not be lifted.

Piso Gaja Dompak

{ Posted on 6:57 AM by aditz goz }
In the year 1875 BOSAR Patuan later dubbed the King Ompu Pulo Batu, Sisingamangaraja ditabalkan to Si XII in Bakara. The Singamangaraja XI (Ompu Sohahuaon), Singamangaraja XII Si's father, in fact has served as King-Priest Batak in a long period of time (50 years), namely from 1825 until 1875, ie after the lord Rau, advocates of Wahhabism was killed The Singamangaraja X (Ompu Master Nabolon) in the year 1825 near Siborong-borong.

      According to the Batak customs, the eldest son of a family that preferred to continue the work and functions of his parents, especially in the field of customs and government. That's why the people in Bakara and surrounding areas to be Ompu Parlopuk The Singamangaraja XII.


{ Posted on 5:25 AM by aditz goz }
In addition to guns and firearms, when the people of aceh against the Dutch also use traditional weapons. Based on the use of traditional weapons found in the province of Aceh could dikatagorikan into 3 (three). The first weapon that serves to attack, the two weapons to defend themselves and the three self-propelled guns.

Reuncong (Rencong)
Rencong is a traditional weapon (Traditional Weapons) of Aceh, the shape resembles the letter L, and if you look closer its shape is Bismillah calligraphy writing. Rencong included in the category of dagger or knife (not a knife or sword).